Sunday, October 22, 2017


Are you going to the gym regularly but still not losing weight? Here's how to use insights from new weight-loss research to help you peel off the pounds fast and efficiently.

It's an old chestnut of the fitness industry, the notion that for every 3,500 calories you burn you'll lose a pound of fat. As a personal trainer, though, I often see guys slogging through week after week of running, walking, lifting, whatever -- workouts designed specifically to reach that 3,500-calorie-per-week mark -- only to weigh exactly the same when it's over. What gives?

The problem with that old weight-loss formula, researchers now say, is that it doesn't take into account what goes on when you're not exercising: the calories you would have burned anyway, the calories you'll add from overeating after overtraining, and the ones you won't burn the next day because you're too sore to move. The old weight-loss math assumed that your body was like a block of marble and that by systematically chiseling away at it with exercise you could gradually get rid of the undesirable stuff and end up with Michelangelo abs. But your body's not a block of marble; it's in a constant tug-of-war between consuming and burning calories, whether you're eating, sleeping, reading, or watching TV. So the calculus for getting rid of that pound is far more complex than just subtracting the "calories burned" number from your weekly goal at the end of each workout. "The 3,500-calorie figure is theoretically correct," says Ralph La Forge, the managing director of Duke University Medical Center's Lipid and Disease Management Preceptorship Program. That is, if you burn that fat in a closed container under laboratory conditions.

La Forge's work points to a number of reasons why you can sweat your ass off on a daily basis and yet still end up with the same size ass. And they all go back to a failure to understand the way the body really burns calories. For starters, you may overestimate the number of calories your workout effectively expends. For the average 180-pound guy, walking slowly for an hour uses approximately 200 calories. Trouble is, you can't just take that 200 and subtract it from your 3,500-calorie goal. You also have to consider the calories you would have gone through during that hour even if you were sitting on the couch. A 180-pound guy burns around 90 calories per hour just by being awake, so during your one-hour walk you will have burned just 110 more calories than if you weren't exercising at all. That number -- what La Forge calls the "net energy cost" -- is the important one. It's how many extra calories you've actually used.

You may also be building muscle while you lose fat, particularly if you've started a new program or if you're lifting weights. This is a nice problem to have; the more muscle you add the more readily your body will burn calories. But if you aren't keeping track of your body-fat percentage, the lack of results on the scale can be a demoralizing kick in the gut at the end of a rigorous week of training.

You might also be sabotaging your weight loss goals by training too hard. Burning 700 calories on a hard bike ride is good, but if you're so dead afterward that you spend the rest of the day on the couch, you have to consider the calories that you won't use because you're too tired to walk the dog. Plus, overtraining can lead to an increased appetite. If you're so hungry after your bike ride that you eat an extra cheeseburger (310 calories), the net calorie burn for your workout drops from 700 to 390.

The bottom line: You've got to exercise more than you thought. But the best way to be sure your workout results in weight loss is different for every sport. That's why we've analyzed four of the most popular activities -- running, swimming, cycling, and weight training -- to help you shed pounds the right way.

Your Sport-Specific Plan

A number of factors determine how much weight you lose from exercise. Make those variables work for you.


A five-mile run at 5 mph burns about 600 net calories. At 8 mph (a 7.5-minute-mile pace), your net rises only modestly to 670. Still, try to pick up the pace. You'll burn more calories in about two-thirds the time.

Running outside or on an indoor track uses approximately 5 percent more calories than running on a treadmill. And be warned: Those "calories burned" readouts tend to overestimate by 10-15 percent.

If you're a new runner or if you've recently added hills to your routine, you may be adding muscle while you're melting fat, which can offset any loss come weigh-in time. Don't worry: You'll soon shed pounds.

Run outdoors whenever possible. Don't avoid hills; attack them. And go faster. At 8 mph you'll burn more calories in less time.


The caloric difference between moderate and intense swimming isn't great, but a long, slow swim tends to increase your appetite more than a short, intense one, making you more likely to replace calories by overeating.

Open-water swimming is far more challenging than pool swimming, in which you get to turn around after every lap and give yourself a big push-off. Not so in a lake or in the ocean.

Once your swimming is strong, take it up a notch by switching to a more challenging stroke, like the butterfly. You'll burn almost 100 more calories an hour than when you were doing the breaststroke.

Swim at an intensity higher than 60 percent of your max heart rate. Use more challenging strokes, like the butterfly.


Fifteen miles at 11 mph burns around 590 net calories. At 17 mph that jumps to around 840. Of course, not everyone can sustain a high speed for 15 miles, so get a speedometer and work up slowly.

Cycling in the real world can burn up to 90 more calories per hour, but a stationary bike is safer than riding in rain or snow and delivers less impact to the joints. Tip: At the gym, sit up straight as you ride.

Because biking is a non-weight-bearing exercise, it can be easy to overdo it; remember, if you fry your legs and end up couchbound, you'll miss out on everyday caloric burn from, say, raking leaves.

Ride faster outdoors, but stay safe and use the stationary bike on rainy or snowy days. The day after a hard ride, take an easy spin.


Intense lifting -- sets of 6-8 reps with heavy weight -- adds size (and weight). You, on the other hand, want to do sets of 10-15 reps with moderate weight; you'll burn calories and build muscle by going longer.

Weight machines are great for isolating muscles and helping beginners learn proper technique, but lifting with free weights lets you incorporate more muscle groups and expend more calories.

For a 180-pound guy, an hour of moderate lifting burns a modest 350 or so calories. That said, lifting is almost mandatory if you want to lose weight. Adding lean muscle increases caloric burn throughout the day.

Use free weights, not machines. Lift moderate weight in sets of 10-15 reps. Emphasize big muscle groups, like those in the legs.

By: Steve Steinberg

Saturday, September 16, 2017

How To Watch Mr.Olympia 2017 – 2017 Mr. Olympia Live Stream

Watch the 2017 MR. OLYMPIA FINALS, PRE-JUDGING & REPLAYS – Streaming Video Online for FREE

2017 Olympia Coverage brought to you by AMAZON.COM In 1965, Joe Weider created the Mr. Olympia competition to determine the world’s best bodybuilder. 

From that first contest of three competitors and a crowd of about 2500 at NYC’s Brooklyn Academy of Music, the Olympia has grown into a global mega event. The wait is finally over and once again, Joe Weider brings the annual weekend of sports and fitness in Las Vegas, Nevada! The Mr. Olympia competition will be celebrating its 52nd anniversary this year where yet another Mr. Olympia will be crowned victorious! 

The Olympia Weekend features the best of the best IFBB professionals in bodybuilding, physique, figure, fitness, and bikini. The competition will be hosted at the New Orleans Arena along with one of the worlds largest expos hosted once again at the Las Vegas Convention Center.




September 14th to the 17th, the events will get start on Thursday the 14th with the Olympia Press Conferences and Meet the Mister Olympians events. The Olympia Fitness and Performance Weekend is pure excitement from start to finish, but the real magic happens when the top Bodybuilders, Fitness, Figure, and Bikini athletes take to the stage and battle for the Olympia titles, securing their elite status as the very best in the world! 

2017 Events: Mr. Olympia – Women’s Physique – Bikini Olympia – Men’s Physique – Figure Olympia – Classic Bodybuilding – Fitness Olympia & 212 Showdown

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


I had abs before they were cool. I had no idea how lucky I was, or why my dating prospects improved so dramatically as the weather warmed up. All I knew was that I was skinny and I wanted to be bigger. My wish came true soon enough; with a desk job and a workout programme that consisted almost entirely of lifting heavy things, the weight was easy to put on. My abs disappeared, but I enjoyed the modest strength gains more than I missed the jagged contours.

 Over time, the unholy alliance of word-processing software and an unbalanced workout programme left me with a series of injuries that made sitting easier but lifting nearly impossible: My body was, literally, molding itself to hunch over a keyboard.

So I returned to my core. Instead of a few random sets of midbody exercises at the beginning or end of my workout, core training became the centerpiece of my programme.

Meanwhile, Alwyn Cosgrove, co-owner of Results Fitness in Santa Clarita, California, was searching for solutions to the same dilemma as he designed his workouts. Cosgrove noticed that clients were coming to him in far worse shape than demographically identical clients were just a few years ago. Their posture was distorted, thanks to years of working ever-longer hours with ever-smaller technology. Even the clients who were "fit" often displayed unbalanced fitness: The strong ones lacked endurance, the ones with good endurance lacked strength, and most of them struggled with injuries related to training for one goal at the expense of all others.

The solution, Cosgrove discovered, was to spend less time in the weight room and more time on mobility, conditioning, and core training. Especially core training. You'd think that less time with the iron would mean a softer body and weaker muscles. But that's not what happened-not to me, and not to Cosgrove's clients. The focus on core training not only helped me recover from my injuries but also left me leaner and more athletic than I'd felt in a long time.

Cosgrove's training approach, and my success with it, led us to write our book, The New Rules of Lifting for Abs. Read on to learn the top body-changing benefits you'll achieve using our core-centric approach.

Burn fat without moving

Ab training is easy; core training is hard. An exercise like the crunch works a tiny amount of muscle through a minuscule range of motion. Core training works your abdominal muscles along with your lower back and draws in your glutes, hamstrings and everything in between. Even your lats are involved; the connective tissue at the bottom of your lats play a crucial role in stabilising your spine and helping transfer force between the muscles in your upper and lower body when you row, climb or pull.

Training that much muscle at once burns a lot of calories, even if you're not moving.

Here's an example: Assume a pushup position, with your arms straight. Lift your right arm and left leg simultaneously, and hold that position. Concentrate on keeping your body still-don't let your hips drop or your torso rotate. Keep holding. A little longer. Wait . . . okay, you lost it. No problem. Just repeat by lifting your left arm and right leg. And hold that. Unless you're a recreational acrobat, you're probably sweating, shaking, and wheezing like an asthmatic. Train like that for 10 minutes each time you go to the gym and it's hard not to get lean.

Build muscle where it matters

If your goal was to build your biceps, you'd target those muscles with curls. Why curls? Because you can feel your biceps contracting on each rep. Most guys use the same logic in pursuit of abs: Crunches shorten the muscles, so that must be the best way to work them. It isn't!

A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research shows that exercises that extend your body while keeping your lower back in a safe, neutral position, work the rectus abdominis-the six-pack muscle-25 per cent harder than crunches do.

Try this: Grab a Swiss ball and assume a plank position-your toes on the floor and body straight from neck to ankles-but with your forearms on the ball. Slowly push the ball out and away. Go as far as you can while keeping your lower back completely stiff-that is, the arch in your lower back shouldn't increase or decrease. Pull the ball back and repeat. Chances are, it'll take a few workouts before you can do 10 reps with a good range of motion. And you may find yourself with sore abs a day or two afterward. But at least you'll know you're truly developing these muscles.

Win the game of life

Core training isn't the answer to every fitness question. When researchers try to correlate core stability with athletic performance, the results are underwhelming.

But good strength coaches include core training in their programmes anyway; they know it's important for back injury prevention, if nothing else.

However, when a Canadian research team looked at specific tests of fitness and longevity, they found that men who scored lowest for abdominal endurance had more than double the risk of death from any cause over the course of the study compared with those who scored highest.

Why? The same reason strength coaches stress core training, even if it's not directly linked to goals or touchdowns. Stability of your lower back depends on the endurance of the supporting muscles.

Spinal instability leads to injury. Injury can be a career killer for an athlete, and plain deadly for an older adult. Train your abs now and you'll have many more years to enjoy the benefits.


Sunday, May 21, 2017


Men’s Health Supplement Awards Winner

The ONLY gym pump NO2 formula with the 4 best, proven Pharma boosters.

Voted: "Best Muscle Builder" by Men's Health Magazine Supplement Awards, Vasculator is an incredible quad-action super-pump gym supplement. Vasculator makes you look bigger in the gym in ONE dose. No other supplement does this.



There is only one supplement in the world that can quite literally get you big in one dose and that is Vasculator.
When you take Vasculator before your workouts, it acts to increase pumps, vascularity and muscle definition instantly. The results can be FELT and SEEN within minutes. No other supplement can do this! Vasculator is the winner of the “Best muscle supplement” in the prestigious Men’s Health Supplements Awards.


Vasculator is GUARANTEED to give you the most amazing pumps in and out of the gym. Without the “pump” and proper muscle contraction, you will struggle to build maximum muscle size. Vasculator guara ntees that you get that elusive full muscle contraction each and every time. This is crucial if you want real results and fast.
Common areas to pump up are the arms, chest, back, shoulders and legs. Vasculator really is something completely different and very unique.


The beauty of Vasculator is that it works just like or even better than Creatine and it does it by not having anything to do with water balance/retention in your body. This is why Vasculator is such an amazing product as firstly it can be taken by competitive body builders even on the day of competition and secondly it can be taken alongside Creatine to give you double the results.
Vasculator enables more blood to be pumped into your muscles. This blood carries with it, oxygen, proteins, carbs and nutrients. The more pumped you get, the stronger and more muscular you will get over long term.



The huge advantage of Vasculator over other products is that it gives you almost instant results. If you regularly go to the gym and get a pump every now and then, you will be completely astonished by Vasculator’s immediate power. This product has been designed to get to work instantly and make you and those around you see and feel the results.
Your gym friends and on-lookers will not recognise you... we promise! You will look like you are a “real” body builder as opposed to some underweight guy working out!


Vasculator is a completely natural product and can be taken by IOC athletes as well as natural bodybuilders.
This really is a hardcore body building product so is best suited to those training with heavy weights on a regular basis.
Competitive bodybuilders MUST take this product on competition day or they will regret it! You can’t go on stage without the extra size & pumps.
LA Muscle were the first company to bring you Citrulline into the UK. You find this and many more powerful ingredients in Vasculator - give it a try and see what a REAL pump product is all about!



Friday, March 3, 2017

Arnold Sports Festival: USA in Columbus Live Stream

Arnold Amateur Live Stream

Monday, December 26, 2016

10 Tips From Conor McGregor To Succeed

Irish wrestler Conor McGregor is synonymous with success. 

The UFC star has become a media personality, not only for triumphs within the octagon, but for the challenging statements he makes at event conferences and interviews.

1. Be grateful: "Gratitude is one of the strongest ways to attract good things, if you are thankful even with the smallest things, then you can celebrate the great things"

2. Train and pursue your dreams: "When I left school, a lot of people questioned what they were doing, they did not know what MMA was and that they could make a race with it. I focused on training and I knew where I was going I showed that they were wrong and I was right "

3. Express what you feel in each moment: "If you see it in your mind and you have the courage to say it, it will happen.Many people believe in many things, but they do not manifest it, they have it.If you are verbal with it, You are creating that law of attraction and that will come true "

4. Look at your heroes: "Muhammad Ali was someone who did something never done before, changed his face to the world, fought for his ideals and was a legend.I admired him as a hero.When I was 11 I had a fight , I dodged a blow and thought of Ali "

5. Pure cholism: "I do not like to think about the future or long-term goals, I feel that I live every day, I move on, every day as I come. I can know what will happen in the near future"

6. Enjoy with your fans: "Every day I drive to the gym and I see flags of Ireland and people greeting me." One day I went to greet one of them at his apartment.I appreciate the support of all the fans, I use it as a motivation "

7. Open mind: "People think things should be done in a way, but with John Kavanagh (coach) it was not like that, I had an open mind and I was trying new things. There is always a time and place for everything"

8. Love what you do: "Fighting is in my head 24/7, I do not think about anything else.Everything I do in my life is related to the struggle.I see myself healthy, for me something that is not healthy is to wake everyone The days to do the same from 9 to 5, that defeats your mind, I love what I do and that's why it has become a career "

9. Look for the top: "I do not usually look back, I continue straight to the top"

10. Inspire others: "No one works harder than I do in and out of the octagon. Many people will see me and bring out something positive, inspiration, people who do it will rise and can experience this life."

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Increase the depth and definition of the chest with this movement in flat bench. 

Keep your elbows locked and slightly bent to isolate the chest. Imagine that you are trying to hug the trunk of a large tree while joining hands describing a large bow.


* Lie on your back on a flat bench with your feet flat against the floor. The head, back and buttocks should be in contact with the bench.

* Grab some dumbbells with palms facing each other and arms extended on the chest. Lock the elbows and fold them slightly.

* Inhale deeply and hold your breath while lowering your arms directly to the sides.

* As the arms approach shoulder level or slightly below, contract the chest muscles to reverse the direction, keeping the elbows slightly bent. Follow the same arc as you raise your arms to the vertical position and expel the air.

* Pause and repeat.


* Avoid using too heavy weights, which would force you to bend your elbows excessively and lower them to a level well below shoulder level. Folding more elbows transforms openings into a pressure movement, changing the way it affects muscles and facilitates injuries.

* The breathing rate is crucial. When you breathe in and hold your breath, the rib cage expands and stabilizes the torso and so the muscles involved have a firm base from which to push. If the rib cage is not held steady, the ribs will move as the muscles contract, resulting in a weaker contraction. Start by expelling the air or do a forced exhalation to quickly relieve the pressure in the chest once you pass the most difficult point of the ascending phase.

* Dumbbell openings are one of the best exercises to fully develop the main muscles of the middle pectoralis, but only if the arms are perpendicular to the torso. All other actions involving the pectorals mainly use the upper and lower areas. Keep your arms slightly bent and in line with your shoulders.

* The peck-deck apparatus can double the muscular participation of the dumbbell openings.

»To increase stability, keep your feet on the ground throughout the exercise. Do not place them on the bench by trying to relieve tension in the lower back, as this practice greatly reduces stability and increases the chances of injury.


In the openings with dumbbells are involved the muscles of the shoulder joint and the deltoid band, which are: pectoral, anterior deltoid, coracobrachial and serrate. The pectoralis major - the great muscle that covers the majority of the chest originates in the frontal border of the clavicle, along the sternum and in the cartilages of the six first ribs near the sternum. The anterior head of the deltoid is one of the three that form the shoulder. The coracobrachial is a small muscle under the deltoid and the pectoralis major in the front and inside of the arm.

In the deltoid band, the minor pectoralis and serratus are the main muscles involved. The small pectoralis minor is located in the upper part of the chest and is covered by the pectoralis major. The serrate is placed on the outer surface of the ribs (just below the axilla) and is covered by the scapula at the back and by the pectoralis major at the front


In the horizontal adduction of the shoulder joint, the arms move from the sides to the front of the body in a line perpendicular to or at an angle to the torso. In scapular abduction in the deltoid band, the muscles move the scapula from the spine to the sides of the ribs as the arms move toward the midline of the body.


Dumbbell openings are used in bodybuilding to develop the chest and the anterior shoulder in addition to the serratus. The combination of horizontal adduction of the shoulder and scapular abduction is very important in all actions involving extending the arms to the front or embracing as in gymnastics, especially in the rings; In boxing and martial arts; In rugby in tackles and grabbers to the contrary and in powerlifting in bench press. These actions are also used in tennis and other racquet sports, in baseball when throwing a hand and throwing a disc when it is released.